Female Hair Loss

Women’s Hair Loss Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatments

Dallas guide: female hair loss, prevention & treatments

About a third of American women suffer hair loss during their lifetime. And more than half of women lose hair after menopause. The numbers are staggering. More than 30 million women in the United States suffer hair loss(alopecia), thinning hair, or baldness in some form. One in five women suffers from female hair loss, Androgenetic Alopecia. Women’s hair loss makes up forty percent of total hair loss sufferers in America. According to medical research, around 40% of women suffer from alopecia by age 50.

What causes women to lose hair show thinning hair or baldness? Females losing hair is primarily due to genetic pattern baldness. It is also called androgenic alopecia or hereditary hair loss. Other reasons evolve medical & health conditions or even hair grooming practices.

Diagnosis & ‎Symptoms

Are you losing your hair?

There are about 100,000 strands of hair on your scalp, and losing between 50 to 100 hair strands daily is reasonable. If you start losing more than that, progress may lead to baldness or thinning hair problems. In most cases, hair loss in women is very gradual.

It starts thinning at the part line. The hair loss tends to follow and show up as diffused hair at the top of the head. Then hair loss progress to the sides and back. It is highly uncommon for women to develop a completely bald area. It is best to begin treating hair loss as soon as possible. Often proper treatments early can reverse hair loss.”

Female hair loss effect self-image and emotional pain on women with hair loss,” said a hair restoration specialist in Dallas, Texas. Hair loss may affect how you feel about yourself. It is a fact that female hair is a significant part of her aesthetic beauty. Women with hair loss suffer psychological & emotional conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Hair loss affects their self-confidence and quality of life. So what causes women to lose their hair?

Women’s Hair Loss Treatment Options

Treating female hair loss can be medical hair restoration or nonmedical hair loss solutions. Hair loss treatments for women include:

**Photos shown are non-surgical hair replacement, wigs & laser hair therapy results from Nu Hair Dallas, Texas.

Common Causes

Most common cause of female hair loss

  1. Androgenetic alopecia: #1 cause is female pattern baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia. Changes in androgen activity in the hormones called androgens regulate hair growth. Hence is the name for pattern baldness. And it’s genetics. The hair follicle shrinks, producing a shorter, thinner, and weaker hair shaft.
  2. Stress: Stress-related hair loss is the second most common cause.
  3. Hormones: Thirdly common type of hair loss in women is a medical condition called telogen effluvium; due to changes in hormone levels, such as childbirth and menopause.
New Hairstyles for Thinning Hair DFW

Medication Side Effect

Prescription drugs, chemo & radiation therapies

Additional various medications cause hair fall, including prescription drugs, chemo, and radiation therapies. 

Temporary hair loss is a side effect of blood pressure drugs, Beta Blockers for depression, oral contraceptives such as artificial estrogen, Naproxen Sodium (Nuprin), etc. Also, excessive iron or vitamin. Illness may lead to thinning hair. Examples include thyroid disease, overactive or underactive thyroid gland, ringworm, syphilis, and even high fever. Your American licensed medical doctor should examine the scalp and review the medical history. 



Health issues

Health issues may cause women to lose hair

  • Female hair loss during pregnancy and the months after labor, post-partum. It is normal to see excessive hair loss within two to three months after post-childbirth. In most cases, the hair will grow back after several months.
  • Women’s hormonal imbalance through menopause
  • At any stage when estrogen levels decrease and testosterone increases. Level change occurs when starting or stopping oral contraceptives or birth control pills.
  • Autoimmune disease, Alopecia Areata, causes hair to fall out in clumps and causes bald spots. Also, the hair falls out in round patches about the size of a coin. The immune system attacks a person’s hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. It can progress to total scalp hair loss or complete body hair loss. 
  • Hormone glands that are over or underactive may cause hair loss, such as thyroid disease. Lupus, fungal scalp infections, and eczema cause hair fall. By product of a condition such as diabetes, glen tumors, or autoimmune disease also may cause hair loss.
  • Trichotillomania is due to an anxiety habit, such as hair-pulling or scalp rubbing. These habits damage the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Trichotillomania affects 2 percent of the population.
  • Severe weight loss due to crash dieting and bulimia may cause hair loss. It results in protein deficiency, essential fatty acid or zinc deficiency, or low iron levels.
  • Androgen level changes can also result from a tumor on the ovarian or adrenal glands.

Laser Hair Therapy

Female Hair Loss Treatment MEP-90 Laser Hair Growth Therapy 

Dermatological Causes

Skin diseases & hair Care

Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection affecting the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Ringworm is contagious and is most common in children. Prescribed treatments of lotions or oral drugs may help hair regrowth. Furthermore, skin cancer can directly destroy hair follicles. Also, burns permanently damage the exposed skin deeply, causing baldness.

Bad Hairstyling

How you groom your hair may be the cause of your hair loss. Continuous bad hairstyling habits cause hair fall. Scarring alopecia occurs mostly in African-American women due to persistent tight braiding, causing hair follicle inflammation and subsequent scarring. These include hairstyles that pull the hair, such as tight pigtails and rollers. Chemical hair treatments such as perms and hair straightening may cause hair loss.

Psychological effects

In addition, stress can increase the speed of the hair loss process of individuals who have genetically inherited the trait. Severe stress, such as losing a loved one, critical illness, or major surgery, may lead to hair loss.

The psychological effects of hair loss vary widely. Some people barely pay attention to their thinning hair. Others are affected so severely that even a tiny amount of hair loss can limit their ability to feel comfortable in social situations and work. Many women are emotionally involved, even when thinning is very early. For men, it is “OK to be bald. However, any hair loss in women is socially unacceptable.

*School-age children who suffer from significant hair loss with bald spots and hair breaking off should seek physician care immediately.



Female hair loss treatment options

See your medical care provider as soon as possible when you are losing hair in large amounts. Excessive hair loss can show after brushing, after a bath, on the bedding, or when your hair can be pulled out by the roots very quickly. Get diagnoses of an underlying medical condition that may cause losing your hair. Go easy with your hair and use gentle hairstyling techniques. Do you have Vitamin, protein, or iron deficiency? Eating healthy with sufficient vitamins helps your hair grow healthy. And, look for women’s hairstyles for thin hair.

Most women do not understand the urgency to get treatment early and increase their chances of regrowing their hair back with early treatments. Be advised that hair transplant surgery is not advisable while you are in the process of excessive hair loss.

Which hair loss treatment is right for you?

The best way to get all your hair loss questions answered is to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation evaluation with Nu Hair in Dallas, near Fort Worth, Texas, or the USA & worldwide Transitions hair restoration professional near you. We will discuss your expected treatment results and cost in your private consultation.

“Ready to make a life change? We’re here to help you along your path to a beautiful, healthy head of hair. Our experts take great pride in helping achieve your hair restoration goal.” Marvin Friedman

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