Surgical Hair Transplants Review
Dallas hair restoration of surgical hair transplant review. Nu Hair Dallas-Fort Worth hair loss specialist is known for his hair replacement & hair restoration treatments for men & women in Dallas. Medical progress in treating male hair loss has advanced in the past couple of years. Today many men and women can achieve hair fullness using new surgical hair restoration methods. The surgeon will move small patches of skin with hair from one part of the head to another. The new technology of using small grafts enabled men & women to have surgical hair transplants as a cosmetic procedure hair restoration alternative, says Nu Hair of Texas expert.
*The image is of no surgery Nu Hair replacement hair restoration in Dallas. It’s a hair restoration but without hair transplant surgery.
Hair chosen for the transplantation
In most men, with “male pattern hair loss,” hair all around the side and back of the scalp is denser. For this reason, donor area for use as hair graft in a man’s hair transplantation is available. The hair in the back of the scalp is most commonly used as the “donor hair” for hair transplantation.
In most women, with “female pattern hair loss,” hair all around the scalp is thin. For this reason, donor area for use as hair graft in a woman’s hair transplantation is smaller than is available on the head of a typical balding man. Women’s hair in the back of the scalp is denser in most cases.
The hair in the back of the scalp is most commonly used as the “donor hair” for a woman undergoing hair transplantation. The cosmetic operation can recreate your hairline, but the new hair pattern is not the same as your hair was before it became thin.
Reviewing hair transplants
In reviewing hair transplants, Nu Hair expert suggests that the cosmetic operation can recreate your hair design, but the new hair look is not the same as your hair was before it became thin. The patient gets either a local anesthetic or general anesthetic during the hair transplant procedures. Most of the time, these are outpatient operations at a doctor’s clinic, and a stay in the hospital is not needed. Postoperative recovery can take one to two weeks.
Find out which hair loss solution is right for you. The best way to get all your hair loss questions answered is to schedule the evaluation with Nu Hair of Dallas Fort Worth Texas or Transitions professional near you. It’s private and confidential.